Gakuen Alice is the story of a 10-year old girl Mikan Sakura who is devastated when her best friend, Hotaru Imai, transfers to a school for "genius" kids in Tokyo. After hearing rumors of what happens in the Academy, Mikan runs away from home and leaving her grandfather to seek out her dear friend, and finds that the school Hotaru transferred to, Gakuen Alice, is specifically for children who each have a special ability called an "Alice". To Mikan's surprise, a teacher there, Narumi, discovers that she too has an unique Alice, and admits her to the school.The story is primarily focused on Mikan and her experiences at the Academy, from the everyday bore of classes and exams, to the unexpected clashes with the Anti-Alice Organization (AAO). Despite her initial view of the so-called greatness of the school, Mikan slowly finds out that beneath the grand facade of the Academy lies a never-ending stream of lies and deception.Mikan, meets a boy named Natsume, whom she at first hates but unconsciously cares for him, and eventually starts to form a friendship with him, and soon, she became someone whom he loved. Natsume has the Alice of fire and is in the Dangerous Ability class. Natsume hates the Academy and is forced to do its dirty work. Narumi thinks that Mikan holds the key to save Natsume and change the Academy. Natsume's friendship with Mikan continues to grow until she admits her feelings for him, and admits to herself that she loves him and will do anything to protect him.Along with the many friends she comes to make, including Natsume's best friend, Ruka Nogi, and the class representative, Yū Tobita a.k.a. Iinchō, Mikan comes to love the Academy and its teachers, but its increasingly manipulative and sinister actions toward her make it a dangerous place to be.
Mikan Sakura- a cute and energetic girl, who followed her best friend, Hotaru Imai, in another school (alice academy) which she discovers to be a special one. As it was tried and tested, Mikan can actually nullify any kind of Alice force thrown at her. As a result, Mikan is like a walking barrier that no one can affect. She had a hard time adapting to her new school life but eventually, her outgoing and sincere personality wins them over and became friends with them. The only person she can't seem to understand her feelings very well towards is Natsume. But, she definately shares the same feelings that he has for her.
Natsume Hyūga- is a stoic and scary guy, he may be icy on the outside but is actually fiery on the inside. Born with the Fire Alice, Natsume is hated and feared by many students and teachers because of his dangerous ability. At first, he didn't really get along well with the others until Mikan came along. Her optimistic nature was like a poison to him but gradually, he softened up to her and going as far as developing romantic feelings for her. Natsume's past is shrouded with mystery and nobody really knows what goes on in his mind. But one thing is for sure, he is extremely suspicious of the adults in the academy. He is involved with the school's secret missions for reasons unknown. Though he really doesn't like doing it, the threat to endanger his classmates and especially Mikan's welfare forces him to be at their mercy. They do that because they know that Natsume would give his life for her.
Hotaru Imai- is Mikan's best friend. She is extremely intelligent and rational. In the story, though she may appear to be rather cold and indifferent on the surface, it is apparent that she genuinely cares for Mikan. She has the Alice of Invention, and during her time at the country with Mikan and her grandfather, she created many strange but useful inventions, often made to look like animals..
Ruka Nogi- is Natsume's childhood. He is a gentle and generous person. His animal pheromone Alice allows him to get along with animals. He knows that Natsume has a crush on Mikan, and he also has a crush on her.
Narumi L. Anjo- is the homeroom teacher of Mikan's class (class B). He teaches Japanese and often deals with Natsume when he gets in trouble or tries to break out. He has the human pheromone Alice which can make other people do what he wants by attracting them.
From all the characters, who is ur favorite???
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